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Brokered Gas is a seasoned energy service company that specializes in supporting local municipalities in establishing and overseeing electric and natural gas Municipal Aggregation Programs. Our dedicated team collaborates with Commercial and Industrial customers to efficiently manage gas and electric contracts and implement effective Energy Efficiency Programs.

With a commitment to excellence, our mission is to consistently deliver top-tier energy services that reduce utility costs and safeguard clients from the inherent risks of volatile energy markets.

What we are best at

Our Services

Electric & Natural Gas Brokerage
When you choose to collaborate with Brokered Gas, you can be confident that you will receive the most competitive rates available in the market.
Energy Accounting and Bill Auditing
We firmly believe in the principle that effective cost management requires understanding and measurement.
Municipal Group Programs
Municipal Grouping is a sought-after service that residents and small businesses actively seek to reduce costs and increase efficiency.
Location Audits
We initiate the process by implementing cost-effective or even cost-free initiatives to identify your highest and lowest performing locations.
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